Electronic technology has advanced greatly, but we still rely on humans to create fresh content. ~Mike Lehr
Keeping up with the demand for content in the digital age is challenging. Various kinds of websites become boring if content is not refreshed. Traffic declines. Projects delay.
We can produce and manage content for you. This is especially the case if it does not have a huge legal or marketing emphasis to it. A content management team usually comprises of:
- An editor
- Several writers
- Graphics designer
- Proofreaders
The content production and management process has these steps:
- Scope: learn the basic architecture of your site including the number and types of pages
- Assign: select internal subject matter experts, reviewers and approvers for your site
- Plan: determine the best way to approach the production and management of your content
- Test: provide content samples to learn your preferences
- Produce: begin the writing of larger portions of your site; most content produced here
- Review & Revise: submit content and make minor changes
- Approval: sign-off by you on content before it’s placed on your site
- Manage: establish a schedule to modify content for the various parts of your site