When people are highly motivated, all bets are off when it comes to predicting outcomes. ~Mike Lehr
Sometimes there are needs for talent on a temporary or part-time basis. Omega Z Advisors provides both especially when navigating internal cultures, politics and relationships is important.
Areas include:
- Operations
- Project management
- Information technology
- Business Consulting
- Human resources
- Marketing
Short-term Talent
This is traditional interim staffing on a temporary or part-time basis. Contracts can be for a couple weeks to a couple years. The work usually takes two forms:
- Project based: focus on completing specific, defined tasks.
- Job-function based: focus on filling in or performing a specific job function where duties are varied and are “as assigned.”
Long-term Talent
This contracting usually takes the form of informal partnerships. They are similar to those manufacturing reps have. Workload is directly based on demand.
In the case of Omega Z Advisors, they usually involve helping to diversify service and product offerings of clients. However, these clients may not have the time, budget, facilities, logistics or expertise to hire full-time employees to build it. We become a long-term interim way of building a business line until it becomes feasible to bring it in house.
Small to mid-size firms in technical or specialized fields are best fits. Technical fields include:
- Information technology
- Technology
- Science
Specialized fields include:
- Accounting
- Human Resources
- Organization Development
- Training
Generally, these firms are trying to diversity their service or product offerings. These areas of diversification make the best long-term relationships with Omega Z Advisors:
- Process improvement
- Project management
- Information technology
- Business Consulting
- Human resources
- Sales & Marketing