Economics, Illogical or Irrational?
Once upon a time, long, long ago, a successful retail executive confided that in college she didn’t do well in economics. She... Read More
Personalities Lurk Behind Twitter Streams
Posted on25 Jul 2013
Tagsadvertising, behavioral economics, business, computers, decisions, education, free will, Google, logic, marketing, merchandising, neoclassical economics, Personality, politics, rational actor theory, relationships, The Economist, Twitter, Bloomberg Businessweek, Joshua Green, Eric Schmidt, Barack Obama, seed planting analogy, personality as software analogy
Increasingly, we are seeing the connection between all that we do and our personalities. Why is this “groundbreaking?” For centuries now, we’ve... Read More
Your Brain, the Final Frontier
Posted on08 Apr 2013
TagsManagement by objective, conditionality, context, emotions, free will, genetic code, humans, knowledge, management, brain, rational actor theory, Star Trek, technology, The Economist, Brain Mapping Analogy, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Human Genome Project, biology, behavioral economics
“Space, the final frontier” introduced Star Trek’s original series, but assessments of our human knowledge indicate that the space between our ears... Read More
Competition, Success & Testosterone
Posted on10 Dec 2012
Tagscompetition, testosterone, Villanova University, Rutgers, Charlotte Markley, Patrick Markey, The Economist, success, risk, rational actor theory, free will, control, conscious, competitive, Challenge, aggressive
Many chemical reactions occur in our bodies. This we know, but how they affect our decisions and actions is another matter. The... Read More
People Eat Escargot, Not Snails
Posted on05 Apr 2012
Tagsbehavioral economics, connotations, decisions, emotions, food, phraseology, problem solving, rational actor theory, Roget's Thesaurus, taste, The Economist, word choice, words, analogy collection
The research behind behavioral economics is full of emotional solutions to everyday problems. By tapping into the emotional biases behind our decisions,... Read More
Illusion of Free Will Revisited
Posted on22 Sep 2011
Tagsnature/nurture, behavior, biology, David Eagleman, decisions, evolution, free will, genetic code, Personality, psychology, rational actor theory, rationale, subconscious, technology, The Atlantic, The Economist
I decided to revisit the illusion of free will after running across two other articles reinforcing it. As technology and research methodologies... Read More