3 Personal Traits Tainting the Forecasts of Financial Analysts
Investors expect the forecasts of financial analysts about companies to be rooted in data and objectivity. In fact, we often hear that... Read More
The Law, A False Sense of Morality?
Posted on24 Mar 2014
TagsThe Atlantic, patriotism, healthcare, Julie Rasmussen, Rosa Parks, Oprah Winfrey, U.S. Federal Trade Commission, Jesse Willms, Microsoft, Twitter, rules, moral, law, financial markets, ethics, cognitive dissonance
Our Twitter exchange regarding a quote of mine encouraged Dr. Julie Rasmussen to suggest that I incorporate it into a post. She... Read More
Economics, Illogical or Irrational?
Once upon a time, long, long ago, a successful retail executive confided that in college she didn’t do well in economics. She... Read More
Efficient Markets are Mirages
Posted on31 Jan 2011
Tagseconomic bubbles, Why Newton Was Wrong, The Economist, power behind beliefs, Paul Marsh, neoclassical economics, momentum effect, Mike Staunton, London Business School, investing, fundamental analysis, financial markets, EMH, Elroy Dimson, efficient market hypothesis, beliefs, behvioral economics
Emotions drive human decision-making, a key assumption behind the effectiveness of intuitive approaches. However, mainstream economic theory – as represented by neoclassical... Read More