8 Cheating Tips For Remembering Names Easily
Remembering names is important, but it’s challenging. It does require time but less so as we train our minds. We do this in the same way we train our bodies. We practice, practice, practice. Yet, there are tips for remembering names easily and effectively. One does not need a great memory, only discipline and work.
Recalling five hundred employee names is quite doable using these tips. As proof, start listing all the people you know including celebrities, politicians and athletes. You’ll be surprised as to how many names you can remember. You’ll come very close to 500 if not more, and most of them are probably far less important to you than your employees.

These tips for remembering names allow us to become better morale builders and influencers.
Tips For Remembering Names
Of course, these tips for remembering names also include a few ways to “cheat” too:
- Keep notes and pictures on people. Use them to reference and refresh your memory later.
- When wanting to remember a name, but don’t know it, find out as soon as you can. The effort will make it easier to remember later.
- Constantly test yourself. Discretely ask the help of others.
- Prior to gatherings study rosters of attendees, even the names that you don’t know. Names are easier to remember when you finally associate them to a face.
- Before visiting a location, review notes or rosters. Research those you don’t remember.
- Use “seating charts.” As you casually walk around test yourself and compare to your chart.
- When seeing from afar someone whose name you should know, test yourself. If you can’t remember, go back to your notes as soon as you can.
- Soon after a gathering or visit, review rosters and re-visualize each person you met. The sooner you do this the easier and better it is.
Why These Tips Work
Work helps people remember. That’s why these tips work. The work is not hard. It’s easy. Anyone can do these. They aren’t intense memory exercises. They don’t assume you will remember a name the first time.
To the contrary, they work because you will forget. The key is a way to refresh your memory when you do. It’s a backup. Heck, we backup our computers. Why don’t we back up our memories?
I’m terrible at remembering names. This should help me!! Thanks Mike :o)
If we admit we are “bad” at remembering names, that only reinforces a broken process that we have the power to improve.
Start off by understanding Mike’s point of how important it is to each of us to be recognized by our name. It also needs to be properly spoken–if you’re not sure, ask the individual to repeat, he/she will be honored that you are taking the time to say it as he/she prefers, not upset that you are asking.
Then during the conversation, use the person’s name occasionally. That not only reinforces your memory, but shows respect to the person you are speaking with.
What great ideas! I’m definitely going to try this myself.