Getting Along With The Boss To Do Well And Enjoy Work
Getting along with the boss is key to doing well and enjoying work. The top reason for leaving is the boss. Of course, this usually is not a problem if we like the boss. It is if we’re indifferent to him or dislike her. This holds true even if we think the boss does not know this.
Seven Strategies To Getting Along With The Boss
Therefore, seven main strategies exist to getting along with the boss, any boss:
- Present a happy, positive and confident front
- Take assignments no one else wants
- State and refresh commonalities and similarities
- Compliment regularly
- Disagree at first but agree in the end
- Ask for help but not too much
- Avoid doing perfect work (throw a bone)
How The Seven Strategies Work

If the boss is the top reason for leaving a job, then getting along with the boss is key to doing well and enjoying the work.
Most employees already know the first one. One of the best ways is to take problem assignments off her desk. Of course, we need to make sure we can tame their landmines or see that any hits won’t matter too much.
Many already do the third. People have a normal bias towards those who are like them. We need to show and remind the boss how we’re like him.
Employees like compliments. Bosses do too. One of the best compliments is allowing them to win a disagreement. State how you disagree. Listen to her arguments. Then, say, “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that.” Saying, “you’re right” is always a hit.
Employees like to feel valued. So do bosses. Asking for help, especially advice (because that won’t require much work) does this. Asking for too much is a nuisance though.
That’s why avoiding doing perfect work helps. For instance, if it’s a report, the boss will always find something to criticize or add. It makes her feel she has value. So, throw him a bone. Leave a hole. It doesn’t have to be big. Besides, it’s a good way to keep him off the real points we value.
It’s All About The Boss
Yes, many are thinking, “Mike, this is just too much bull for me to throw.” Think of it as a game. It’s not principles, ethics or honesty. It’s pragmatic, a matter of doing good work, of enjoying that work. Even to keep our homes enjoyable, we need to take the garbage out.
Moreover, the boss will judge that work. He will make it enjoyable or not. Help him out. She can’t do it on her own. If the boss is the top reason for leaving a job, then it’s all about the boss. To keep our jobs enjoyable, we need to take out the garbage.