Improve Focus and Productivity with Your Screen Saver
Work often takes place in sterile, fake surroundings. It taxes our concentration, our energy. We can improve focus and productivity though. Our screen savers can help. It only takes forty seconds.
Scenic Pictures Improve Focus and Productivity

Simply looking at a scenic picture can restore our focus and productivity that is consumed during the day.
University of Melbourne researchers Kate Lee, Kathryn Williams, Leisa Sargent, Nicholas Williams, and Katherine Johnson found a scenic picture can help. Looking out at nature through a window and walking outside in a park are even better.These types of pictures were found to be the best:
- Savannas
- Slow-moving water
- Foliage
- Birds and other unthreatening wildlife

These types of scenic pictures were found to be the best to improve focus and productivity.
Why Nature Helps Us
We have long sensed that nature helps us. This has been mainly from a health viewpoint. Research has focused on much longer periods of time, days and weekends.
“Modern work drains our attention throughout the day,” cites Lee. It forces us to use “attentional control.” This allows us to get those daily tasks done. We cannot concentrate for long periods though. Control tiers us. Conscious activity does too.
The thought that a short burst of nature can help restore our attentional control is new. As the article cites, “nature is effortlessly fascinating.” It keeps our attention without having to control it. Natures restores us. We improve focus. This makes us more productive.
Nature helps to reduce stress too. It encourages cooperative action. Nature triggers positive emotions. Observing it was important to our survival. It was a life source.
Going Beyond the Basics
We improve focus and productivity with nature. We are part of nature. We are nature. That means we have some of the same powers.
Nature gives conscious thought a break. When we relax and feel less fear and stress, we are more creative. We can help others do the same. They will improve focus and productivity.
Nature triggers positive emotions in us. We do better. We can do the same in others. They will do better too.
Yes, we can improve focus and productivity with nature. Going beyond this though we find the real value in this research. If we learn to be more like nature, we would lead and manage better. We would have less control, but our people would work better.