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17 Mar 2014

Leverage Relationships in Conversations, A Technique (Pt 3)

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Leveraging Relationships in Communications

Strategic Conversation Example

Integrating technique throughout a conversation

In Parts #1 and #2, we explored the technique by revising and elaborating upon a single sentence:

  1. Our new business model helps us deliver better service to clients because we can deliver everything through a single contact.

After working the magic, we finished with this:

  1. John, our new business model helps me deliver better service to clients because it allows you to help me by better positioning your natural talent to relate to others.  I’m counting on your support because I know others respect you and your work, so I’d appreciate your help.  Will you help me out?

Of course, real conversations are not so condensed; they’re open and fluid, meaning the different components I covered are integrated throughout a conversation. The Strategizing Schematic Tool for Interpersonal Conversations I explained in an earlier post is an effective tool to illustrate this (see figure).

Again, the words and solid lines represent what we, the initiators of the conversation, say while the broken lines the receiver, or the person whom we are addressing. Each line represents a thought or just a sentence. As initiators, our objective is to work the various elements from the previous posts into the conversation. This schematic tool shows us how this can be done in a normal back-and-forth interchange of a conversation.

Thus, we have much flexibility in how we integrate the elements into the conversation. Yes, we can condense them all at once in a few sentences or disperse them throughout. Our challenge is doing so without producing an awkward conversation. The Refer Back Technique helps much in this regard, but no matter how we examine it one thing is certain . . . we must listen in order for this to help us.


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